Profile Settings

Email Settings
  • Send an email reminding me to rate an item a week after purchase
  • Send an email when an item I've purchased is updated
  • Send me an email when someone comments on one of my items
  • Send me an email when someone comments on one of my team items
  • Send me an email when my items are approved or rejected
  • Send me an email when someone leaves a review with their rating
  • Send me emails showing my soon to expire support entitlements
  • Send me a daily summary of all items approved or rejected

NOTE : Morbi nibh dis. Pede. Erat, porta urna. Adipiscing Ipsum nibh morbi taciti proin quisque sit quam curae; vulputate ridiculus. Dictumst ullamcorper nullam Parturient, urna. Etiam nascetur enim lectus torquent pellentesque.

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